/!\ Bonjour à tous, je n’exerce plus pour le moment, j’attends un heureux évènement et je ne pourrais plus effectuer de déplacement à domicile.

Je serais de nouveau disponible à partir de Mars 2025.

Merci de votre confiance et de votre compréhension, à très vite. /!\

Moustache et coussinet

Grooming at home in the Pays de Gex and the Lemanic region

Hello everyone and welcome to Moustache et coussinet.

My name is Priscillia, I am a home groomer based in Divonne-les-bains, I work in the Pays de Gex and the Lemanic region.

Officially qualified in grooming for 12 years now, it is always with as much pleasure that I take care of your animals.

To learn more about my complete professional background, please visit the "my experience" section or click here.

You will find in the price list section, detailed explanations of the different services and their cost in order to allow you to understand the functioning of the grooming sessions and to know that your companion will be in good hands

In addition to my grooming services, you will also find a selection of personally tested and approved accessories for your pets, as well as bow ties entirely handmade by me.

I encourage you to browse through the different sections of this site, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I will gladly answer them as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your confidence 


Moustache et coussinet, toiletteur à Divonne-les-bains